Information and Communication Security Policy

In order to ensure the smooth operation of the company's business, prevent information or communication systems from unauthorized access, use, control, leakage, destruction, tampering, destruction or other infringements, and ensure their confidentiality (Confidentiality), integrity (Integrity) ) and Availability, this policy is specially formulated as follows for all colleagues to follow:

  1. The confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information and communication systems should be protected from unauthorized access and tampering.
  2. In response to changes in the information security threat situation, to improve the information security awareness of our colleagues, our colleagues should actually participate in information security education and training, and this agency will wait for opportunities to conduct information security publicity.
  3. Portable media are used in accordance with the regulations governing each information system.
  4. Do not open emails from unknown sources or from which the sender cannot be clearly identified.
  5. It is prohibited for multiple people to share a single information system account.
  6. The core information communication system conducts internal audits based on the annual household registration information system information security audit case of the Ministry of the Interior to ensure that all relevant operations of the core information communication system can be truly implemented.